International Sugar Journal

Evaluating the feasibility of a sugarcane vehicle delivery scheduling system - a theoretical study
Author: R.C. Giles, C.N. Bezuidenhout and P.W.L. Lyne
Affiliation: 1. School of Bioresources Engineering adn Environmental Hydrology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, SA
2. South African Sugarcane Research Institute, SA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2008, Vol 110, No.…
Evaluating regional net benefits of whole crop harvesting to maximise cogeneration
Author: P.J. Thorburn, A.A. Archer, P.A. Hobson, A.J. Higgins, G.R. Sandel, et al
Affiliation: 1. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Brisbane, Australia
2. Sugar Research and Innocation, Brisbane, Austalia
3. harvesting Solutions, Mackay, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2008, Vol…
Ethanol via biomass-generated syngas
Author: Randy S. Lewis, Allyson Frankman, Ralph S. Tanner, Asma Ahmed and Raymond L. Huhnke
Affiliation: 1. Chemical Engineering Department, Brigham Young University, provo, Utah, Utah
2. Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
3. Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department, Oklahoma State…
Enhanced performance of caustic soda used for the removal of scale in sugar mill evaporators
Author: W.O.S. Doherty, R.F. Simpson adn D. Rackermann
Affiliation: 1. Sugar Research and Innovatopn, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2008, Vol 110, No. 1314
Category: Caustic soda, chemical cleaning, defoamer,,…
Eliminating ambient light effects in a scattering based suspended solids measurement system
Author: M.L. Dongare, M.N. Awatade and A.D. Shaligram
Affiliation: 1. Department of Electronic Science S.M. Joshi Collge, Hadapsar, Pune, India
2. Vasantada Suga Institute, manjaru, Pune, India
3. Department of Electronic Science, University of Pune, India
Publisher: International Sugar…