International Sugar Journal

Global sugar market snapshot
Author: F.O. Licht
Affiliation: F.O. Licht GmbH, ratzeburg, Germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2008, Vol 110, No. 1315
Category: Global Overview and Processing
Pages: 385-386
Foddler yeast production: A new approach for distillery vinasse treatment
Author: M.A. Otero Rambla, G. Saura Laria, J.A. Martinez Valvidivielso and O.A. Almazan del Olmo
Affiliation: Biotechnology Division, Cuban Institute for Research on Sugar cane By-Products (ICIDCA), Havana, Cuba
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2008, Vol 110, No. 1319
Category: World…
Fast track implementation of one of the world's largest and most complex sugar factory projects
Author: A.R. Hansen and M. Wade
Affiliation:1. Project Manager, Breakthrough Project, Schaffer and Associates International, USA
2. Senior VP Sugar Operations, United States Sugar Corporation (USSC), USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2008, Vol 110, No. 1313
Extending life of decolorization resin by aggressive cleaning procedures
Author: Vadim Kochergin, William Jacob and William Bornak
Affiliation:1. Audubon Sugar Institute, LSU AgCenter, baton, LA, USA
2. Amalgamated Reseach Inc. ID, USA
3. Recirculation Technologies Inc. Warmister, PA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2008, Vol 110, No. 1313
Experience and utilization of an on-line, ColourQ, sugar colorimeter in a raw cane mill
Author: S. King
Affiliation:Production Superintendent, harwood Mill/Refinery, NSW Sugar Milling Co-Operative Ltd., Manildra Hardwood Sugar , AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2008, Vol 110, No. 1313
Category: ColourQ, on-line colorimeter, optimisation of centrifugals, raw sugar…