International Sugar Journal

The effect of trash on the operation and performance of a raw sugar factory
Author: G.A. Kent
Affiliation: Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2008, Vol 110, No. 1312
Category: extraneaus matter, trash, throughput, recovery, purity
Pages: 232-235
The conversion of a BMA diffuser to a Bosch projects chainless diffuser - the first seasons experience
Author: K.E. Schroader, I. Voight and B. St. C. Moor
Affiliation: 1. PGBI, Johannesburg, South Africa
2. Bosch Projects, Durban, South Africa
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2008, Vol 110, No. 1315
Category: chainless diffuser, diffusers, extraction, maintenance…
Sugar Crystallization: Look for the devil in the details - Part 1
Author: Lajos Rozsa
Affiliation: PROFICON Industrial Controls Ltd., Budapest, Hungary
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2008, Vol 110, No. 1315
Category: crystallization, sugar, sugar crystals
Pages: 403-413
Sugar Crystallization: Look for the devil in the details - Part 2
Author: Lajos Rozsa
Affiliation: PROFICON Industrial Controls Ltd., Budapest, Hungary
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2008, Vol 110, No. 1320
Category: Centrifugals and Crystallization
Pages: 729-739
Sugar - A new policy for Ukraine
Author: H. Ahlfeld and H.W. Strubenhout
Affiliation: 1. F.O. Licht GmbH, Am, Ratzerburg, Germany  
2. Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, Kiev, Ukraine
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2008, Vol 110, No. 1310
Category: Europe, policy issues in Europe, Soviet Union
Pages: 81-86