International Sugar Journal

Sugar News: Ethanol Demand Driving Expansion of Brazil's Sugar Industry
Author: Constanza Valdes
Publisher: Sugar Journal, Decemberr 2007 , Vol. 70, No. 7
Pages: 9-10
Sugar News: Efficient Cooling of Fermentation Vats in Ethanol Production - Part 1
Authors: MOS Dias, R Machiel Filho and GEV Rossell
Publisher: Sugar Journal, Decemberr 2007 , Vol. 70, No. 7
Pages: 11-17
Sugar News:  Development of Energy Canes for an Expanding Biofuels Industry
Author: Robert M. Cobill
Publisher: Sugar Journal, November 2007 , Vol. 70, No. 6
Pages: 6
Sugar News:  Change is Good
Author: James M. Shine, Jr.
Publisher: Sugar Journal,September 2007 , Vol. 70, No. 4
Pages: 6 and 26
Sugar News: Benefits of Soyabeans as a Breakcrop in Sugarcane Production Systems in the South Eastern Lowveld of Zimbabwe
Authors: MD Shoko and F. Tagwira
Publisher: Sugar Journal, November 2007 , Vol. 70, No. 6
Pages: 18-21