International Sugar Journal

Microwave measuring technology for the sugar industry
Author: Ulrich Klute
Affiliation: Berthold Technologies GmbH & Co., KG
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2007, Vol 109, No. 1308
Category: sugar syrup and massecuite, microwave measurement, Automatic calibration
pages: 749-755
Medium voltage drives in the sugar industry 
Author: G. Scheuer, T. Schmager and L.C. Krishnan
Affiliation: 1. ABB Switzerland Ltd, Dept, ATDA, Switzerland
2. Al Khaleej Sugar refinery, Dubai, AUE
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2007, Vol 109, No. 1301
Category:  medium voltage variable frequency drives, Direct on-line operation
Pages: 303 - 309
Measurement of crystal size spread through the high grade pan fo an Indonesian and an Australian factory
Author: Nur Iswanto, Edward T. White, Matt T. Hardin and Broadfoot
Affiliation: 1. Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, AU
2. Sugar Research and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, AU 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal…
Managing operational challenges of steam pulp driers
Author: Ron Kawlewski, Paul Rustad, Gary Cornelius and Glenn Augustine
Affiliation: Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative, MN, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2007, Vol 109, No. 1302
Category:  fluidized bed steam pulp driers 
Pages: 366 - 371
Improving sugarcane harvest and planting monitoring for smallholders with geospatial technology: the Reunion Island experience
Author: Valentine Lebourgeois, Agnes Begue, Pascal Degenne and Eric Bappel
Affiliation: 1. CIRAD, UPR Systemes Canniers, Station de La Bretagne, La Reunion, France
2. CIRAD, UMR TETIS, Maison de la Teledetection, Montpellier, France