International Sugar Journal

Significant cost reductions with treal time measurement of crystals colour
Author: Bjarne Chr. Nielsen
Affiliation: Netlec Denmark A/S, Denmark
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2007, Vol 110, No. 1308
Category: centrifugal performance
pages: 742-748
Russia's march to self-sufficiency 
Author: Sergey Gudoshnikov
Affiliation: International Sugar Organization, London, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2007, Vol 109, No. 1298
Category:  self-sufficiency, Russia, world sugar market
Pages: 74 - 86
Role of stainless steel to combat corrosion in the Indian sugar industry
Author: Pravin Goel, rajesh Khosia, L.K. Singhali and R.K. Goyal
Affiliation: Jindal Stainless Limited, Jindal Center, Bhikaji Cama Plance, New Delhi
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2007, Vol 109, No. 1303
Category: Polyols
Pages: 449 - 453
Reducing sugar color by washing and bleaching with dilute hydrogen peroxide
Author: M. Saska
Affiliation: Audubon Sugar Institute, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, LA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2007, Vol 109, No. 1306
Category:  hydrogen peroxide, sugar color, bleaching
Pages: 616 - 622
Polyols - The sweet and sour outlook 
Author: Sangeetha Srinivasan
Affiliation: 1. Industry manager, Food & Beverage Ingredients Group, Frost & Sullivan, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2007, Vol 109, No. 1303
Category: Polyols
Pages: 446 - 448