International Sugar Journal

Advantages of low speed continuous centrifugation
Author: G.F. Eastaughtffe
Affiliation: W.D.T. (Engineers) Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2006, Vol 108, No. 1296
Pages: 697 - 703
A new range of batch centrifugals - ZUKA from Fives Cail 
Author: gerald Pilot and Francois Buyck
Affiliation: IKB Industrieplanung GmbH, nachtigallenstrage, Pracht Germany 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2006, Vol 108, No. 1292
Keywords: centrifugals
Pages: 507 - 515
A new range of batch centrifugals - ZUKA frimFives Cail 
Author: gerald Pilot and Francois Buyck
Affiliation: IKB Industrieplanung GmbH, nachtigallenstrage, Pracht Germany 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2006, Vol 108, No. 1292
Keywords: centrifugals
Pages: 515 - 520
U.S. high fructose corn syrup and sugar prices
Author: Maria Jose Castillo adn Anfrew Schmitz
Affiliation: Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida, FL, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2007, Vol 109, No. 1302
Category:  relationship between beet sugar and HFCS prices
Pages: 353 - 361
The new bogazliyan beet factory: The new reference in most modern technology 
Author: J.F. Le Laout and Pascale Dedole
1. Fives Call Group, France 
2. Maguin S.A.S. France
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2007, Vol 109, No. 1306
Category:  Beet sugar, European Beet production
Pages: 628-634