International Sugar Journal

CAFTA and U.S sugar in perspective
Author: Andrew Schmitz, Troy Schmitz and James L. Seale, Jr
Affiliation: Department of Food and resource Economics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2006, Vol 108, No. 1290
Keywords: Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ), U.S. Sugar market
Pages: 307 - 315
Bagasse storage and handling "The Mackay Sugar Experience"
Author: Mark Gayton and John Hodgson
Affiliation: Mackay Sugar Cooperative Association Ltd., Mackay, Qld, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2006, Vol 108, No. 1291
Keywords: Bagasse, renewable
Pages: 357 - 364
Bagasse and cane trash combustion - Where to next?
Author: J.A. Joyce and T.F. Dixon
1. Sugar Process Consulatant, James Joyce and Associates, mackay Queensland, AU
2. tarong Energy Corporation Limited, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2006, Vol 108, No. 1291
Keywords: Bagasse boilers, cogeneration, renewable, biomass
Pages: 372 - 380
An innovative predictive maintenance technique for wter tube boilers through rotary inspection system
Author: AK Bhardwaj and DK Goel
1. Saraswati Sugar Mills Ltd., India
2. ISGEC, India 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2006, Vol 108, No. 1292
Keywords: bagasse, Internal Rotary Inspection System
Pages: 458 - 460
An analysis of Australian Sugarcane regions for bagasse papre manufacture
Author: T.J. Rainey, G. Covey and D. Shore
1. Covey Consulting, Melbourn Australia
 2. Sugar Research and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2006, Vol 108, No. 1295
Keywords: bagasse pulp
Pages: 640 - 644