International Sugar Journal

Dealing with dextran in the South African sugar industry
Author: AB Ravino and B S Purchase
1. South African Sugar Association, SA
2. School of Chemical Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal, SA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2006, Vol 108, No. 1289
Keywords: South African Sugar, dextran, South African sugar factories
Pages: 255 - 269
Cost management for the construction of ethanol plants": "More Solutions - less buildings"
Author: Christian Schweitzer
Affiliation: Bse Engineering Leipzig, Mottelerstrabe, Leipzig, Germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2006, Vol 108, No. 1295
Keywords: cost management, financial strategy, 
Pages: 662 - 669
Cooperative sustems: an information systems moel for industry value chain management
Author: GF Fleming
Affiliation: Mackay Sugar Cooperative
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2006, Vol 108, No. 1290
Keywords: Cooperative systems, information systems framework, central database, cane payment system
Pages: 299 - 306
Construction of an ethanol plant in accordance with EU regulations: More solutions, fewer buildings
Author: bse engineering Leipzig GmbH, Leipzig, germany 
Affiliation: Senior oeprational Vice President, Dedini S/A Industrias de Base
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2006, Vol 108, No. 1287
Keywords: legal framework, ethanol plant
Pages: 130 - 135
Cogeneration in Brazilian sugar and bioethanol mills: Past, present and challenges
Author: Jose Luiz Oliverio and Jose Eduardo Ribeiro
Affiliation: Enviro Pol Engineers, Uttar Pradesh, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2006, Vol 108, No. 1291
Keywords: Cogeneration, bioethanol, bagasse
Pages: 391 - 401