International Sugar Journal

Fly ash emission control in bagasse-fired boilers: Nye-Tray Wet Scrubbers
Author: Rajesh Verma
Affiliation: Enviro Pol Engineers, Uttar Pradesh, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2006, Vol 108, No. 1291
Keywords: boilers, scrubber, nye-tray
Pages: 387 - 390
Flight unloading in rotary sugar dryers
Author: P.F. Britton, P.A. Schneider and M.E. Sheehan
Affiliation: James Cook Universitym Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2006, Vol 108, No. 1286
Keywords: rotary sugar dryers, flight discharge, airborne sugar mass
Pages: 83 - 89
Factory trials to optimize the appliaction of dextranase in raw sugar manufacture: Part I
Author: Gillian Eggleston, Adrian Monge, belisario Montes, and David Stewart
1. SRRC-USDA-ARS, New Orleans, LA, USA
2. Cora Texas Manufacturing Co., White Castle, LA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2006, Vol 108, No. 1293
Keywords: dextrase, dextranase …
Experimental measurement of the drag coefficient for a falling raw sugar crystal
Author: A. Lee, P.F. Britton and M.E. Sheehan
Affiliation: School of Engineering, James Cook University, QLD, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2006, Vol 108, No. 1296
Keywords: measurements, raw sugar, crystallisation
Pages: 678 - 682
Experiences with raw thin sugarcane juice preservation
Author: C.B. Granda and MT. Holtzapple
Affiliation: Chemical Engineering Dept., Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2006, Vol 108, No. 1288
Keywords: ethanol, conventional defacation process
Pages: 209 - 217