International Sugar Journal

Making automation work - a case study
Author: Eddie Sheppard
Affiliation: ConUtrol Instrument Services
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2006, Vol 108, No. 1288
Keywords: automation, automation programme
Pages: 191 - 195
Inhibitory effect on Leuconostoc and other bacteria
Author: Georgina Michelena, Aidin Martines, Graciela Cerutti, Monica Coronel, Antonio Bell et al
1. Cuban Institute for Research on Sugar Cane By-Products (ICIDCA) Havana, Cuba
2. Agroindustrial Experimental Station Obispo Colombres (EEAOC), Tucuman, Argentina
3. Biotechnology Institute (IBT), Morelos, Mexico
Improving feedstocks for biofuel production - opportunities and challenges for plant breeding
Author: Cersten Stibbe
Affiliation: KWS SAAT AG, Agroservice  ZR-V/DE, Germany 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2006, Vol 108, No. 1295
Keywords: biomass, plant breeding, biodiesel
Pages: 634 - 639
Guatemala: From zero to major exporter 1960-2004
Author: James F. McSweeney
Affiliation: La Union Sugar Group, Guatemala
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2006, Vol 108, No. 1285
Keywords: evaporators, measurements
Pages: 39 - 42
From sugar crystal to speciality 
Author: Peter-Dirk Begerhoff 
Affiliation: IKB Industrieplanung GmbH, nachtigallenstrage, Pracht Germany 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2006, Vol 108, No. 1292
Keywords: quality, transport, hygiene, cost control, ventilation
Pages: 491 - 506