International Sugar Journal

The growth rate spread of sugar seed crystal
Author: Nur iswanto, Matt hardin and Edward T. White
Chemical Engineering, the University of Queensland, Brisbane, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2006, Vol 108, No. 1296
Keywords: crystallisation, growth rate dispersion (GRD)
Pages: 711 - 716
The growing role of biofuels - opportunities, challenges and pitfalls
Author: martin Junginger, Andre Faaij, Frank Rosilio
1. Copernicus Insititute, Urecht University, Heidelberglaan, the Netherlands
2. Center for environmental Policy, Imperial College, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2006, Vol 108, No. 1295
Keywords: biomass, technological…
The effect of deficit irrigation on water-yield relationship of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) under cool season and semi-arid climatic conditions
Author: Faith M. Kiziloglu, Ustum Sahin, llKer Anhin and Omer Anapali
Affiliation: Dept. of Agriculture, Structures and Irrigation, faculty of Agriculture, Ataturk University, Turkey
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February…
The cause of sarkaran in sugarcane
Author: PG Morel du Boli, S. Wienese and BM Schoonees
Affiliation: Department of Food and resource Economics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2006, Vol 108, No. 1290
Keywords: Sarkaran, Pollysaccharide, crystallization
Pages: 317 - 326
Technological evolution of the Brazilian sugar and alcohol sector: Dedini's contribution
Author: Jose Luiz Oliverio
Affiliation: Senior oeprational Vice President, Dedini S/A Industrias de Base
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2006, Vol 108, No. 1286
Keywords: bioethanol, cane sugar
Pages: 120 - 129