International Sugar Journal

Management systems - software solution for today's sugar industry
Author: Bernd-Christoph Schulze and Niki Martin Fietz
Affiliation: ESCON GmbH, Schlossstrassse, Berlin, germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2005, Vol 107, No. 1274
Keywords: Information technology, modern process control systems, online systems, energy management systems
Pages: 104 - 109
Impecadencemetric control of sugar massecuite boiling
Author: Sergey M. Petrov and Yelena A. Zagorulko
Affiliation: Thomas Broadbent and Sons Ltd., England
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2005, Vol 107, No. 1284
Keywords: dissipation factor
Pages: 693 - 699
Impact of beet quality on sugar manufacture and technological criteria for further quality improvement
Author: J.M. de Brujin
Affiliation: CSM Sugar, Central Laboratory, Breda, the Netherlands
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2005, Vol 107, No. 1282
Keywords: quality parameter, optimisation
Pages: 554 - 559
German position on EU reform proposal for sugar market regime
Author: Dietmar Achilles
Affiliation: Foreign Agricultural Service, Amerikanische Botscgaft, Bonn, Germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2005, Vol 107, No. 1277
Keywords: EU sugar market regime, sugar exports, duty-free imports
Pages: 283 - 284
From sugar production to biomass utilisation: The reform process to ensure the viability of the Mauritian sugar cane industry
Author: Mauritius Sugar Industry research Institute, reduit, Mauritius
Affiliation: ENSIA - Umr Genial, Massy, France
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2005, Vol 107, No. 1283
Keywords: biomass, reform process, biotechnology
Pages: 646 -…