International Sugar Journal

DHR -DEDINI Hidolise Rapida (DEDINI Rapid Hydrolysis) - revolutionary process for producing alcohol from sugar cane bagasse
Author: Jose Luiz Oliviero and Antonio Geraldo Proenca Hilst
Affiliation: Dedini Industrias de Base, Rio Claro/piracicaba, Brazil
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2004, Vol 106, No. 1263
Keywords: Rapid Hydrolysis, bagasse
Pages: 168…
Determinants of Brazil's ethanol sugar blend ratios  
Author: Andrew Schmitz, James L. Seale, Jr. and Troy G. Schmitz  
Affiliation: 1. university of Florida, Gainesville Florida, USA
2. Arizona State University, Mesa Arizona, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2004, Vol 106, No. 1271
Keywords: anhydrous alcohol, hydrous alcohol, ethanol
Crystallization - a central competence, the key to success
Author: Bernds Langhans
Affiliation: Siemens, Erlangen, germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2004, Vol 106, No. 1265
Keywords: automatic crystallization, control systems, 
Pages: 266 - 268
Cane supply and its impact on sugar colour
Author: B.C. olson and G.M. Pope
Affiliation: BSES Limited, Mulgrave Central Mill Co., ltd, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2004, Vol 106, No. 1268
Keywords: colour specification, polymerisation, in-line cane analysis system (CAS)
Pages:426 - 436
Can GMHT beet contribute to sustainable crop production in Europe?
Author: John d. Pidgeon, Alan M. Dewar and Mike J. May
Affiliation: Broom's Barn Research Station, Higham, Bury St Edmunds, Sufolk, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2004, Vol 106, No. 1270
Keywords: genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT)
Pages:542 - 547