International Sugar Journal

The sugar industry of the Carribean community (CARICOM): An overview
Author: Ian Mcdonald
Affiliation: Chief Executive officer, Sugar Association of the Carribean
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2004, Vol 106, No. 1266
Keywords: sugar industry in the Carribean, Carribean sugar history
Pages:324 - 328
The sugar industries of East and Southern Africa: The challenges ahead
Author: Jonathan Innes
Affiliation: Booker Tate Ltd., Oxon, England
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2004, Vol 106, No. 1261
Keywords: sugar prices, trade liberalisation, EU sugar regime
Pages: 28 - 35
The Guatemalan sugar industry: An overview
Author: Nirmal Hasrajani
Affiliation: 20 Murray Avenue, Bromley, Kent, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2004, Vol 106, No. 1267
Keywords: Guatemalan Sugar, Central American Sugar Industry, Latin America
Pages:381 - 384
The German sugar industry - the current state of affairs 
Author: Stefan uhlenbrock
Affiliation: F.O. Licht Commodity Analysis, ratzeburg, Germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2004, Vol 106, No. 1265
Keywords: German sugar production, German sugar, EU sugar regime, 
Pages: 249 - 254
The ethanol industry in the United States: Rapidly expanding capacity, but regulatory uncertainty
Author: Scott Richman 
Affiliation: Vice President - Consulting Sparks Companies, Inc. Memphis, TN, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2004, Vol 106, No. 1263
Keywords: ethanol, Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS)
Pages: 138 - 140