International Sugar Journal

Transition from leaded pol to NIR pol in the South African sugar industry
Author: B.M. Schoones
Affiliation: Sugar Milling research Institute, university of Natal, Durban, South Africa
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2004, Vol 106, No. 1264
Keywords: pol analysis, pol method, near infrared (NIR), NIR pol, conventional pol
Pages: 198 - 207
Thermal performance assessment of Roberts' evaporators
Author: C.R.F. Pacheco and E.C. Kurokawa
Affiliation: Escola Politecnica, universidade de Sao Paulo, Chemical Engineering Department, SP Brazil
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2004, Vol 106, No. 1265
Keywords: heater tube geometry, internal body pressure, temperature, inlet stream
Pages: 270 - 292
The U.S. sugar industry: large, efficient and challenged 
Author: Jack Roney
Affiliation: Director of Economics and Policy Analysis, American Sugar Alliance, Washington, DC, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2004, Vol 106, No. 1266
Keywords: U.S. sugar industry, American sugar, U.S. government trade policy
Pages: 315 - 323
The U.S. HFC industry: A Strong foundation = A strong future
Author: Audrae Erickson
Affiliation: President, Corn Refiners Association
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2004, Vol 106, No. 1268
Keywords: U.S. Corn, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
Pages:422 - 425
The Sugar Logistics Improvement Programme (SLIP): An initiative to improve supply chain efficiencies in the South African sugar industry  
Author: Ian W. Perry and Adrian T. Wynne
Affiliation: 1. Perry, Director, Crickmay & Associates, pietermaritzburg, South Africa
2. Wynne, Technical Liaison Manager, Canegrowers Association Durban, South Africa
Publisher: International…