International Sugar Journal

First carbonation alkalinity detemination using artificial neural networks
Author: Maciej Dobrowolski and Jan Iciek
Affiliation: Pruszcz S.A. Sugar Factory, Poland
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2003, Vol 105, No. 1256
Keywords: artificial neural networks, carbonation process
Pages: 358 - 366
Energy reduction in distillation for bioethanol plants 
Author: Frank Seemann
Affiliation: IPRO Industrieproject GmbHm Braunschweig, germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2003, Vol 105, No. 1257
Keywords: ethanol, bioethanol, distillation
Pages: 420 - 423
Dextran test method provides versatility for sugar factory process monitoring
Author: J.S. Rauh, J.A. Cuddihy, R.N. Falgout and M.L. Marquette
Affiliation: Midland Research Laboratories, Inc., Kansas, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2003, Vol 105, No. 1250
Keywords: dextran, monochlonal antibody method
Pages: 100 - 103
Deja vu at WHO
Author: Richard Cotrell
Affiliation: Director, The Sugar Bureau, Duncan House, Dolphin Square, London
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2003, Vol 105, No. 1255
Keywords: nutrition, health issues
Pages: 305 - 307
Decolourisation of synthetic melanoidin and biogas effluent by immobilised fungal isolate of Aspergillus niger UM2
Author: Dr. V.S. Dhamankar 
Affiliation: Division of Sugar Chemistry, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Maharashtra, India 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2003, Vol 105, No. 1249
Keywords: biogas effluents, methane, decolorisation 
Pages: 8 - 13