International Sugar Journal

Manildra harwood Sugars HACCP based quality system
Author: Greg Malcolm
Affiliation: Manildra Harwood Sugars, Harwood island, NSW, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2003, Vol 105, No. 1256
Keywords: quality standard, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), food safety
Pages: 368 - 374
Managing information technology in modernizing "against the odds": Lessons from an organization in a less developed country
Author: Ramiro Montealegre
Affiliation: Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado At Boulder and Instituto de Empesa, madrid, Spain
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2003, Vol 105, No. 1250
Keywords: information technology 
Pages: 112 -…
Integrated crop management for sustainable sugarcane production: Recent advances
Author: Barry Glaz
Affiliation: USDA Sugarcane Field Station, FL, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2003, Vol 106, No. 1252
Keywords: instrumentation, automation
Pages: 175 - 186
Improving the economic competetiveness of the Australian Sugar Industry
Author: Bernard Milford
Affiliation: Senior Manager, CANRGROWERS, Qld, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2003, Vol 105, No. 1253
Keywords: centrifugal
Pages: 216 - 223 
Improving information flows in the sugar industry supply chain: the Mackay Sugar web portal
Author: J.A. Crane and G.F. Fleming
Affiliation: Mackay Sugar Cooperative Association Limited, Qld. Au
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2003, Vol 105, No. 1258
Keywords: Satellite estimation, web portal
Pages: 515 - 519