International Sugar Journal

Studies in effective utilisation of biomas chemical modification of bagasse and mechanism of colour removal 
Author: Jyoti D. mane, D.L. Kumbhar, S.C. Barge and S.P. Phadnis
Affiliation: Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari, Pune, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2003, Vol 105, No. 1257
Keywords: bagasse, colour removal
Pages: 412 - 419
Status and future trends of process instrumentation and control 
Author: Bernd Langhans
Affiliation: Siemens AG, Automation and Drives (A&D) Schuhstr, Erlangen, Germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2003, Vol 106, No. 1252
Keywords: instrumentation, automation
Pages: 168 - 171
Sensitive extractive spectrophotometric determination of iron in suagr and its allied products with pyridoxal-4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbozone (PPT)
Author: khaman Singh and Sudhanshu
1. Department of Chemistry, Government leading Postgraduate College, India
2. Physical Chemistry Division, national Sugar Institute, Kanpur, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal…
Research and development in the sugar industry: Status and future trends. Summary of a survey
Author: Vadim Kochergin, Brian Purchase, Chris Rhoten
 1. Amalgamated Research Inc., Twin Falls, Idaho, USA
2. Sugar Milling Research Institute, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa
3. Monitor Sugar Company, Michigan, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal…
Progess in Renewable Energy
Author: Melvyn F. Askew
Affiliation: head of Agriculture and Rural Strategy Group, Central Science Laboratory, Sand Hutton, york, England
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2003, Vol 105, No. 1258
Keywords: Renewable, energy, bioethanol, cellulosic wastes
Pages: 535 - 539