International Sugar Journal

Pharmaceutical applications of sucrose or 'Does a spoonful of sugar really help the medicine go down?"
Author: Julian M./ Cooper CCHEM, FRSC, FIFST
Affiliation:Product Research manager, British Sugar plc, Peterborough, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2002, Vol 104, No. 1243
Keywords: sucrose, medicated confectionery, Directly Compressible (DC)
Pages: 301 - 305
Opportunities for improving the management of sugarcane production through the adoption of precision agriculture - An Australian perspective
Author: Robert G.V. Bramley and the late Ray P. Quabba
1. CSIRO Land and Water and 
2. Cooperative Research Centre for Viticulture
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2002, Vol 104, No. 1240
Keywords: production,…
Ion-exchange decolorization: A flexible way to modernization and capacity extension
Author: Jean de Lataillade and Francois Rousset
Affiliation: APPLEXION, France and USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2002, Vol 105, No. 1237
Keywords: decolorization, resin
Pages: 5 - 9
Increased power generation from sugar cane biomass - The results of a technical and economic evaluation of the benefits of using advanced gasification in a typical Brazilian sugar mill
Author: Micahel Morris, Lars Waldheim
Affiliation:Francisco AB Linero and Helcio Lamonica
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2002, Vol 104, No. 1242
Keywords: generation, biomass,…
Improved final molasses exhaustion with a new Vecoflux screen
Author: Willem H. Kampen, Carlos Bernhardt nd Mario Acevedo
1. Louisiana State University, Audubon Sugar Institute, South Stadium Road, LA, USA
2. Alma plantation (Presently US Sugar, LA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2002, Vol 104, No. 1239
Pages: 130 - 131