International Sugar Journal

Analysis: World ethanol 2010
Author: C. Berg
Affiliation: F.O Licht
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2011, Vol 113, No. 1349
Pages: 168-173
AGDAT: Spatial applications to improve harvest management, data recording and reporting and data exchange between organizations
Author: Robert Crossley and John Markley
Affiliation: Agtrix P/L, Mackay Sugar, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2011, Vol 113, No. 1354
Pages: 723-727
Advanced dynamic simulators to train control room operators of sugar factories
Author: L.F Acebes, A Merino, R. Mazaeda, R. Alves and C. de Prada
Affiliation: 1. Department of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control , University of Valladolid, Higher Tech. College of Industrial Engineering, Spain
    2. Department of Informatics and Automatic Control, University of Salamanca…
Adding value to sugarcane bagasse using a xyclose metabolising yeast
Author: Arthur Kollaras, Pail Koutouridis, Michael J.B. Moore, Philip J.L. Bell and Paul V. Attfield
Affiliation: 1. Microbiogen Pty, Ltd, Sydney, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2011, Vol 113, No. 1355
Pages: 777-781
ABSTRACTS From the proceedings of the 2011 South African Sugar Technologists Association annual conference - Factory papers
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2011, Vol 113, No. 1345
Pages: 809-811