International Sugar Journal

Recent developments in sugar processing
Author: John Blackwell
Affiliation: Vale of Glamorgan, UK
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2002, Vol 104, No. 1237
Keywords: technological developments, sugar processing, transportation
Pages: 28 - 42
Production of biodegradable plastic (PHB), sugar and ethanol in a sugar mill
Author: Carlos E.V. Rossell, Roberto V. Nonanto, Paulo E. Mantellato and Manoel R.L. Leal
Affiliation:Centro de Tecnologia Copersucar
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2002, Vol 104, No. 1243
Keywords: acid polymer, copolymer, cogen
Pages: 321 - 323
Processing opportunities for the future
Author: Vadim Kochergin
Affiliation:Francisco AB Linero and Helcio Lamonica
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2002, Vol 104, No. 1243
Keywords: processing methods, membrane filtration
Pages: 290 - 300
Processing decisions to reduce massecuite production loadings on the pan and fugal stations
Author: R. Broadfoot and S.N. Pennisi
Affiliation:Sugar Research Institute, mackay, QLD, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2002, Vol 104, No. 1246
Keywords: mass flow rates, massecuite, pan, fugal
Pages: 446 - 456
Process description and product cost to manufacture sugarcane bagasse based granular activated carbon
Author: Chilton Ng, Rishipal R. bansode, Wayne E. Marshall, et al
1. Department of Health & Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, KS, USA
2. Department of Food Science, LA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2002, Vol 104, No. 1245…