International Sugar Journal

Increased profitability through product diversification and mproved sugar quality
Author: Bandu Wijesinghe, Ran Mereddy and Roger Stanley
Affiliation: Innovative Food Technologies, Queensland Department of Employment Economic Develpment and     Innovation, Hamilton, Queensland
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2011, Vol 113, No. 1352
Pages: 572-577
Implementation of on-line near infrared (NIR) technologies for the analysis of cane, bagasse and raw sugar in sugar factories to improve performance
Author: M.G. O'Shea, S.P. Staunton and P. Slupecki
Affiliation: 1. BSES Limited, Indooroopilly, QLD Australia
    2. BSES Limited, Indooroopilly, QLD Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2011, Vol 113, No.…
Impact of sugarcane thrips, Fulmekiola serrata (kobus) (thysanoptera: Thripidae) on sugarcane yield in field trials
Author: M.J Way, R.S Rutherford, C. Sewpersad, G.W. Leslie and M.G. Keeping
Affiliation: South African Sugar Research Institute, South Africa
Publisher: International Sugar Journal July 2011, Vol 113, No. 1351
Have we reached peak CCS?
Author: Geoff Inman-Bamber, Philip Jackson, Graham Bonnett and Terry Morgan
Affiliation: 1. CSIRO Plant Industry, ATSIP, Townsville Australia
    2. Sucrogen Australia Pty Ltd, Kalamia Mill, Ayr., Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal December 2011, Vol 113, No. 1355
Pages: 798-803
Generation of Anti-dextran monoclonal antibody and development of immunonephelometry for quantitative detection of dextran
Author: D. Liang, J. Yan, L Zeng, S. Wang, Y. Li, E. Ni and L. Yu
Affiliation: 1. Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry, Guandong University of Technology
    2. Guangdong Keylab of Sugarcane Improvement & Biorefinery, Guanzhou Sugarcane…