International Sugar Journal

Late season glyphosate ripener application coupled with post-harvest residue retention impacts subsequent ratoon yields
Author: Ryan P. Viator, Caleb D. Dalley and Edward P. Rchard, Jr.
Affiliation: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Sugarcane Research Laboratory, LA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2011, Vol 113, No. 1349…
Iron mediated clarification and decolourisation of sugarcane juice
Author: L.R. Madsen II and D.F. Day
Affiliation: Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Audubon Sugar Institute, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2011, Vol 113, No. 1349
Pages: 335-342
Integrated sugar complex with minimum energy consumption and maximum cogeneration - concept to commissioning
Author: Sanjay Awasthi
Organization: ISGEC John Thompson, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2011, Vol 113, No. 1354
Pages: 630 - 635
Inheritance for fibre in sugar cane (Saccharum spp. hybrids)
Author: Winston Elibox
Affiliation: West Indies Central Sugar cane Breeding Station, Barbados    
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2011, Vol 113, No. 1354
Pages:660 - 666 - 671
Indian biofuel sector: In the context of national Biofuel Policy
Author: Suman Lahiri
Affiliation: European Business and Technology Centre, Kolkata, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2011, Vol 113, No. 1352
Pages: 578-583