International Sugar Journal

Not just sugar?
Author:Gillian Fox
Affiliation: British Sugar PLC
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2011, Vol 113, No. 1346
Pages: 106-109
Milling train maceration control utilising NIR techology
Author: T. Lloyd, S. Eastment and P. Mitchell
Affiliation: 1. MSL Marian Mill, Mackay, Australia
    2. MSL Electrical Services, Mackay, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2011, Vol 113, No. 1350
Pages: 438-442
Microwave modification of sugar cane to engance juice extraction during milling
Author: G. Brodie, M.V. Jacob, M. Sheehan, L. Yin, M. Cushion and G. harris
Affiliation: 1. University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    2. James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2011, Vol 113, No. 1354
Pages: 714-718
Microbial oil production by oleaginous yeasts on wastewaters-based medium
Author: E. Faife, M.A. Otero, A. Alvarez, M.A. Peña, M. Melfi, M.L. Matos and A.M. Kozlowski
Affiliation: 1. Cuban Institute for Research on Sugarcane By-Products (ICIDCA), Havana, Cuba
    2. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Publisher: International Sugar Journal…
Maximising the production of quality beet - Nordic Sugar's approach
Author: Thomas B. Olsen
Affiliation: Nordic Sugar A/S, Denmark
Publisher: International Sugar Journal February 2011, Vol 113, No. 1346
Pages: 110-113