International Sugar Journal

Reform of the Commn Market Organisation for sugar - impact on the EU production and conequences for the seed industry
Author: Helge Beyer
Affiliation: KWS SAAT AG, marketing/Business Development, Einbeck, germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2005, Vol 107, No. 1282
Keywords: Eu Sugar production
Pages: 570 - 575
Reduction of boiler stack dust emissions at Plane Creek Mill
Author: B. heron and P.T. Traicos
Affiliation: 1. CSR Plane Creek Pty Ltd., Australia
2. TD Chemicals Pty Ltd, Tullamarine Drive, QLD, Australia
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2005, Vol 107, No. 1281
Keywords: boiler stack dust emissions, wet and dry collectors, collection system
Pages: 539 - 544
Preventing fouling in evaporators through ultrasound
Author: Lu Hai-Qin, Xie Cai-Feng, Yang Ri-Fu and Qiu Tai-Qiu
Affiliation: Research Institute of Light Industry and Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2005, Vol 107, No. 1280
Keywords: Ultrasonic irradiation
Pages: 456 - 461
Potential for electricity generation from bagasse in Kenya
Author: David Yuko
Affiliation: Executive Director, Institute for Research in Sustainable Energy and Development, Nairobi, Kenya
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2005, Vol 107, No. 1273
Keywords: overall unit costs for electricity production, bagasse cogeneration, electricity generation 
Pages: 32 - 37
Optimising machine component layout for enhanced harvester feeding performance in lodged crops
Author: R.J. davis, M.G. Schembri, and G. Kingston
Affiliation: 1. BSES Limitedm Bundagen, QLD, AU
2. Sugar research Institute, Mackay, QLD, Au
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2005, Vol 107, No. 1276
Keywords: forward-feeding geometry manual, enhanced underslung module…