International Sugar Journal

The effect of green cane harvesting on a sugar mill
Author: P.W. rein
Affiliation: Audubon Sugar Institute, LSU AgCenter, LA, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal September 2005, Vol 107, No. 1281
Keywords: green cane, milling cost, clean fresh cane, cogeneration, maximum profitability, incentives, cane payment system
Pages: 498 - 504
Technological advances in ethanol production
Author: Jay K. Shetty, oreste J. lantero and Nigel Dunn-Coleman
Affiliation: 1. Genenco International, California and Wisconsin USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2005, Vol 107, No. 1283
Keywords: renewable, capital costs, overall process costs
Pages: 605 - 610
Syrup clarification for plantation white sugar to meet new quality standards
Author: R.J. Steindl and W.O.S. Doherty
Affiliation: Sugar Research Institute, Mackay, QLD, AU
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2005, Vol 107, No. 1282
Keywords: syrup clarification, syrup sulfitation, sulfur dioxide, quality standards
Pages: 581 - 589
Sugarcane juice concentration: A new approach
Author: Miling V. Rane, Siddharth K. Jabade and Tusharchandra S. Ingle 
Affiliation: 1. Heat Pump Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
2. Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari, Pune, India
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2005, Vol 107, No. 1280
Sugar policies: Opportunity for change
Author: Donald Mitchell
Affiliation: Lead Economist, Development Prospects Group, The World Vank, Washington DC, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2005, Vol 107, No. 1273
Keywords: Sugar policies, high protection, export opportunities, EU Sugar, policy reforms
Pages: 10 - 14, cont. 77