International Sugar Journal

Ethanol: Policies, production and profitability in USA
Author: Chad E. Hart
Affiliation: Iowa State University, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal November 2004, Vol 106, No. 1271
Keywords: ethanol, corn market
Pages:597 - 599
Estimate of European beet sugar production 2004/05
Affiliation: F.O.Licht, Am, ratzeburg, Germany 
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2004, Vol 106, No. 1270
Keywords: global prices, EU suagr industry, world market, market volatility
Pages:536 - 540
Energy saving and cogeneration potential in Mexican sugar mills
Author: Luis Figueroa Ibarra and Alejandro M. Arriola Medellin 
Affiliation: Instituto de Investigaciones Electricitas, unidad de Procesos Termicos Reforma, Mexico
Publisher: International Sugar Journal April 2004, Vol 106, No. 1264
Keywords: cogeneration, energy saving, bagasse, cane residues
Pages: 210…
Effective beet cleaning with newly designed rock catcher
Author: Dieter Mergner and Martin Herrmann
Affiliation: 1. H. Putsch & Company, Asheville, NC USA
2. H. Putsch & Company, GmbH, Hagen, Germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2004, Vol 106, No. 1261
Keywords: beet cleaner, rock catcher
Pages: 13 - 16
Distant thunder - EU sugar regime to be reformed fundamentally
Publisher: International Sugar Journal August 2004, Vol 106, No. 1268
Keywords: Eu sugar regime, European sugar industry, liberalization, sustainable market balance
Pages:416 - 421