International Sugar Journal

The Barbados sugar industry
Author: Harm de Boer
Affiliation: c/o ARVTU Groves, Barbados
Publisher: International Sugar Journal January 2004, Vol 106, No. 1261
Keywords: History of sugar production in Barbados, Carribean sugar
Pages: 6 - 10
Sugar beet growing in tropical areas: A new opportunity for growers and the sugar industry
Author: Philippe Chatin, Dilip Gokhale, Staffan Nilsson and Anand Chitnis
Affiliation: Syngenta Seeds, Chemin de l'Hobit, Saint Sauveur, France
Publisher: International Sugar Journal June 2004, Vol 106, No. 1266
Keywords: World sugar production, alkalin, saline soils
Rogers Sugar - the Vancouver refinery
Author: D.A. Ryan
Affiliation: refinery operations manager, Rogers Sugar, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2004, Vol 106, No. 1265
Keywords: Vancouver refinery, Canada, molasses
Pages: 260 - 263
Risk benefit analysis of ethanol fuel blends in the US
Author: Pamela R.D. Williams
Affiliation: 1. ChemRisk, CO, USA 
2. Director, industry Manager-Fermentation Alcohol, Genecor International, Rochester, NY, USA
Publisher: International Sugar Journal March 2004, Vol 106, No. 1263
Keywords: ethanol, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), benzene
Pages: 151 - 156
Proposals for precautionary measures to reduce soil compaction risks due to heavy agricultural machinery
Author: Heinz-josef Koch, Nicol Stockfisch, Bernward Maerlaender
Affiliation: Institute of Sugar Beet Research, Goettingen , Germany
Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2004, Vol 106, No. 1270
Keywords: soil compactive risks, soil protection