Influence of Cane Age on Sugars and Organic Acids Distribution in Sugarcane Stalks

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Influence of Cane Age on Sugars and Organic Acids Distribution in Sugarcane Stalks

Celestine-Myrtil-Marlin, A.D.  1990.  This article studied the soluble sugars and inorganic acids composition in sugarcane stalks, with the purpose of attempting to understand more about sugarcane physiology during maturation. The final objective is to enhance other ways of research in breeding and using sugarcane based not only on sucrose but also on non-sugars content, in order to manufacture by-products and co-products in a cane-based agro industrial strategy. Influence of Cane Age on Sugars and Organic Acids Distribution in Sugarcane Stalks. Sugar y Azucar, August 1990:17,20-21,24-25.