Comparative Study on Various Constituents of Sugarcane Juice Affecting Settings in the Sulphitation and Phosphatation Processes

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Comparative Study on Various Constituents of Sugarcane Juice Affecting Settings in the Sulphitation and Phosphatation Processes

Abd El-Kader, A.  1983.  The rate of settling of juice was measured in both sulphitation and phosphatation processes with and without the addition of external non-sugar juice constituents. The influence of addition of extra doses of soluble silicates, starch, tannic acid, gums, cane wax and urea on the rise in purity, destruction of reducing sugar’s, ash, P2O5, turbidity, colour, viscosity, filterability, gums, waxes, proteins and mud volume were also investigated in order to compare the merits and demerits of the two clarification techniques. Comparative Study on Various Constituents of Sugarcane Juice Affecting Settings in the Sulphitation and Phosphatation Processes. Sugar Journal, May 1983:5-8.