Biohardening with Piriformospora indica improves survival rate, growth, iron uptake and cane yield of micropropagated sugarcane

Year Published

Biohardening with Piriformospora indica improves survival rate, growth, iron uptake and cane yield of micropropagated sugarcane

Author: S.K. Gosal, M. Sharma. S.S. Gossal, I.M Chhibba, K. Bhatnagar and A.Varma

Affiliation: 1. Department of Microbiology, School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Department of Solis, Punjab Agricultural University, India

    2. Amity Institute of Microbial and herval Studies, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India

Publisher: International Sugar Journal May 2011, Vol 113, No. 1349

Pages: 382-388