American Society of Sugar Cane Technologist. Abstract of Papers Presented. Sugar Journal

Year Published

American Society of Sugar Cane Technologist. Abstract of Papers Presented. Sugar Journal. 

May 2012. 10-25.



* Impact of Silicon Fertilization to Sugarcane Grown on Alluvial Solis of Louisiana

* Comparison of Silica Sources for Sugarcane on Mineral and Organic Soils in Florida

* Precision Agricultural Techniques for Identifying Yield Limiting FActors in Louisiana Sugarcane

* BP Biofuels Approach to Precision Agriculture

* Recision Farming Technologies for the Sugarcane Industry

* Effects of Sugarcane Harvest Method on Microclimate in Florida and Costa Rica

* Bermudagrass Interference in Sugarcane

* Host Plants of the SugarcaneRoot Weevil in Florida Sugarcane

* New Developments in Mexican Rice Borer IPM Research

* Resistance to Wireworms in Florida Sugarcane

* Suseptibility of Saccharum spp. and Near Relatives to Mosaic Viruses

* Trinexapac-ethyl - Will it Increase Early Season Sugar Accumulation?

* Ho CP 04-38 - A New Sugarcane Variety for Louisiana

* Yield Performance of 14 Sugarcane Genotypes on Sand Soils in Florida

* Effects of Off Types on Cane Yield, Sucrose Content and Fiber Content

* Flowering Responses of Three Sugarcane Genotypes to Soil, Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate and Shade