ABSTRACTS: From the Proceedings of the 2011 joint annual American Society of Sugar Cane Technologies Conference

Year Published

ABSTRACTS: From the Proceedings of the 2011 joint annual American Society of Sugar Cane Technologies Conference



Publisher: International Sugar Journal October 2011, Vol 113, No. 1345





* Breeding and genetics- Stalk cold tolerance of commercial and candidate varieties during the 2010-2011 harvesr season

- A LCP 85-384 genetic linkage map enriches with polymorphic SSR markers

- Genetic diversity of commercial sugarcane cultivars of Louisiana analyzed usng SSR markers

- Random coeeficient model: A statistical tool for family selection in sugarcane 


* Weed Control - Response of giant reed to postemergence sugarcane grass herbicides

- Efficacy and economics of Bermudagrass control programs in fallowed sugarcane fields


* Disease control- Yield response bu rust suscepticble cultibars to foliar fungicide applications applied to commercial sugarcane fields.

- Yield loss incited by orange rust (Puccinia kehnii) on a highly susceptible sugarcane cultivar in Florida

- Psychological responses of sugarcane to orange rusr infection


* Pest Control- Diaprepes abbreviatus a new pest of Florida sugarcane?

- New findings on factors affecting Mexican rice borer, Eoreuma Ioftini dyar, infestation of sugarcane: Leaf characteristics,  drought stress, soil, fertility and alternate host plants.

- Developing an aerial application insecticide program for control of the Mexican rice borer

- update on the status of sugarcane rust mite in the Americas


* Crop Management- Effects of cultivation frequency on sugarcane yields

- Sugarcane yield responses to mill mud and compost application on mineral soild in Florida


* Growth regulators- Trinexapac-Ethyl: An alternatice to glyphosate as a sugarcane ripener


* Crop physiology- Relationships among lead area indez, visual growth ratings and biomass yield in sugarcane


* environmental factors- FCC prospective on December 2010 freezes - Part 1 field side

- FCC prospective on December 2010 freezes - Part 2 Processing


* Soil biology - Microbial ecophysiological response of sugarcane soils to sulfur amendment

- Biological nitrogen fixation in Louisiana sugarcane


* Soil amendments- Effect of residue management on sugarcane yield

- Alternative use of sugarcane residue and bagasse as biochar precursors for soil amendment applications


* Information systems - Feasibility of using remote sensing technology in nitrogen management in sugarcane production


* Machinery & equipment- improved efficiency from mechanical planter modifications